Re-ignite brand passion

Re-ignite brand passion

Brand love – is that really a thing? Think Coca-Cola vs Pepsi, Android vs Apple. There’s some hardcore loving from some of their customers. But those brands have spent a long time creating the fundamental requirements for a relationship – trust, loyalty and respect. 

When was the last time you showed your brand a bit of loving? Maybe it’s time to give it a bit of TLC. Brands need nurturing, they need attention and commitment. So how do you do it?

Take a step back and look at your brand from your customer perspective. 

  • How do you talk to your customers? Is your tone of voice appropriate and reflective of your brand?  Do you talk to them the way you would like to be talked to? 
  • Keep making an effort – Your customer became your customer because they liked your brand so keep up the effort. Make sure you’re making a good impression and your customer will feel valued.
  • Sharing is caring! Listening to customer feedback and sharing content will help build loyalty and trust. This is where added value content is great. Whether it’s a free download or blog, it’s an incentive to maintain loyalty. 
  • Fulfil their needs - the idea of going above and beyond is something that separates the elite from the good. If you’re purely in business for profit it will be clear to your customers and you will lose their loyalty as soon as a better option is presented. 
  • Value their values - A recent study has shown that two-thirds of customers will make a purchasing decision based on a brand’s social or political position. Belief-driven buyers will connect far better with brands that share values similar to their own and this is extremely powerful.
  • Keep the love alive! It’s like we said earlier. Relationships need nurtured. You can’t take customers for granted otherwise you’ll end up losing them. By listening and evolving your brand, your relationship with your customers will continue to flourish.

Take the time to invest in your brand and your customers will invest in you. Want us to help play matchmaker with your clients? We’ve been helping our clients forge new relationships and re-ignite existing ones for years so get in touch and let’s create some brand passion!